Thursday, May 28, 2009

Angels & Demons --> Review....!!!!

Angels and Demons is the latest movie that is rocking the cinema theaters. The main genre of the movie is thriller. This movie is directed Ron Howard and the actors of the movie are Rom Hanks, Ewan McGregor and Ayelet Zurer. Ron Howard has already directed the block buster movie "The Da Vinci Code". The storyline of this movie is that Symbolist Robert Langdon of The Da Vinci Code returns to foil a terrorist plot against The Vatican City. My personal review about the movie is that if you have time, read the book instead of watching this movie.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tips for Healthy Heart and Mind....!!!!!

Here are some tips for keeping your heart healthy....

- Eat more amounts of grains, vegetables, beans, greens, fruits, fish, seeds and yogurt.

- Take fewer amounts of milk, cheese and nuts, because they contain more amounts of fats.

- Take considerable amount of garlic in your food and recipes.

- Have regular meals at the correct time. One can have six small meals a day to keep our body fit.

- Drink considerable amount of water. One should have nearly 3.5 liters of water a day.

- Do not drink coffee. Please try to have tea as it reduces heart attack. Particularly have green tea.

- Do exercise regularly and avoid alcohol and smoking.

- Have a sound sleep and maintain your body weight.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Short Cut Keys for Windows...!!!!!

Here are some shortcuts that can be used in the keyboard in order to save time...

- CTRL+C used for copying a content.
- CTRL+X used for Cutting a content.
- CTRL+V used for Pasting a copied or content that was cut.
- CTRL+Z used to undo an action that was previously done.
- DELETE used to delete an item and move it to the recycle bin.
- SHIFT+DELETE used to Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin.
- CTRL while dragging an item (Copy the selected item)
- CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item, used to Create a shortcut to the selected item.
- F2 key used to Rename the selected item.
- CTRL+RIGHT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word)
- CTRL+LEFT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word)
- CTRL+DOWN ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph)
- CTRL+UP ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph)
- CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Highlight a block of text) SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document)
- CTRL+A used to Select all.
- F3 key used to (Search for a file or a folder in the current drive.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hard Disk...!!!!!

Some ten years ago, the cost of memory was very high. Earlier computers came with a hard disk capacity of 2.1 GB. This capacity was the normal capacity, but later computers came with 4.3 GB. But this small amount memory costs several thousand rupees. But nowadays, the pen drives are coming with 16 GB memory space. This drastic difference is due to the development in technology. In the current market, hard disk of 1Tb size is available which cost few thousand rupees. With one 1Tb of memory, one can store hundreds of movies and thousands of songs and many more.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wi-Fi --> The Latest Connectivity...!!!!!!!

Wi-Fi is the latest technology used by most of the people to access internet. Nowadays, people are moving towards latest technology. Everything is going wireless, now accessing internet also goes wireless. This Wi-Fi facility can be accessed only by using a wireless router. The distance of accessing depends upon on the type of router. Nowadays Wi-Fi device is being incorporated in mobile and laptops. We can access through the internet from anywhere in the world.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sidney's Doomsday Conspiracy....!!!!!

Doomsday Conspiracy is a wonderful Sci-fi action book written by Sidney Sheldon. He is such a wonderful writer but he is no more in this earth. This book deals with the government conspiracy about the aliens. This book proves that aliens are not just story but these things exist in the universe. The main hero of this story is Robert Bellamy who retired after the Vietnam War. He is appointed by the government to find the missing people who have seen a spaceship crash. As Bellamy finds one by one and reports to the government. The government kills those people and makes it as an accident. Finally Robert Bellamy is also betrayed by the government.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ready To Lose Weight....!!!!

This post is for all people who want to lose their weight and become slim and healthy. To become slim, one has to follow three things. They are Frequency, Intensity and Time. Intensity is how vigorous we have to do exercise. When you start for first time, do mild warming up and go for walking, cycling, swimming or any other cardio vascular exercise. Follow this routine for at least five days a week. Let’s discuss about the intensity of doing exercise. Keep the intensity moderate, not vigorous or too low. For someone who is quite fit jogging might be a moderate intense; for the sedentary ones walking at 5 km/hr might be moderate intense. The major part is how long you do the exercise. Break the activity into two 20 minute sessions. Follow these activities, you will achieve your destiny.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Colon Cleanse Reviews

I am very happy to write this post regarding colon cleanser. Some people may not know about colon cleanser. A colon cleanser is a medicine that cleanses our body for from all the germs and diseases and makes one healthy. A colon cleanser can really help one to detoxify his body, helps to lose weight, helps to eliminate acne and makes one healthier than before. If you want to know much about the colon cleanser, do read the colon cleanse reviews available in “”. The reviews on the site are true and people can believe what they say. Their mode of review process is completely different. It involves three steps. First they collect the review from the customers, then they do a thorough analysis on each product in-depth and finally they recommend the best rated products. The top three rated colon cleansing reviews are cleansonix, colonetix amd orovo detox. Have a great day.