Friday, November 5, 2010

Skipping... The best way to lose weight...!!!!!!!

Do you want to lose weight? Many people don’t have time to go to gym or don have lots of space for exercising at home. The best option for these people is skipping.

Skipping is convenient and does not require a lot of space or any special equipment. You can carry the rope with you anywhere. It strengthens the muscles of the legs;, abdomen, back and arms with its circular rhythmic movement. It is an excellent exercise for the heart and lungs, and is considered one of the most time efficient workouts to increase cardiovascular fitness.

Rope jumping requires kill. With practice this skill improves, and the you don’t need to jump as high to get over the rope. Also, in time, the arm and overall body movements become more efficient. Start today itself, do not waste the time.

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